Venue: Alliance Francaise of Madras Date: 18th & 20thMarch 2018
1. Girafada | (France/Palestine) | Dir.: Rani Massalha | 2012 | 84 Min | 18 Mar 2018 | 5.00 PM
A male giraffe dies after a nocturnal air raid in a Palestinian zoo. The female giraffe stops eating. A boy and his father, the veterinary of the zoo, look for a solution.
2. Une vie | A Woman’s Life | Dir.: Stephane Brize | 2016 | 119 Min 18 Mar 2018 | 7.00 PM & 22 Mar 2018 | 7.00 PM
A fragmented account of the life of Jeanne as she sets out on the path of adult life and gradually experiences the harsh realities of a woman’s life in the 19th-century.
Venue: Alliance Francaise of Madras Date: 18th & 20thMarch 2018