We are happy to inform you that, we INDO CINE APPRECIATION FOUNDATION in association with the Embassy of Czech Republic, New Delhi are organizing a Czech Film Festival on 8th and 9th March 2018 at Tagore Film Centre, Govt. Music College Campus, Adyar, Chennai
The festival will be inaugurated by H.E. Mr. Tomas Huner, Hon’ble Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. H.E. Mr. Milan Hovorka, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to India presides over the function and Ms. Shylaja Chetlur, Cine Artiste, will light the lamp.
1. Tiger Theory / (Teorie tygra) / Dir.: Radek Bajgar / 2016 / 101 min 8th Mar 2018 | 6.00 pm

A subtle comedy about a veterinarian who tries to find a decent and painless way out of his marriage where he feels like a beast trapped in a cage. The last straw is Grandpa’s death, who fought the same inner battle and gave up. Grandma used to decide about everything in his life and she gets to decide even now, after his death, in good faith that she is doing him a favour. Jan knows very well he is on the same boat for this destructive partnership strategy is a family inheritance. His wife is also convinced that she is the one in charge of their happiness. Jan is aware of the fact that if he leaves it as it is he will meet Grandpa’s fate. So he keeps testing more and more peculiar methods to liberate himself and bring back his real self. The road he eventually decides to take is quite absurd, adventurous and very uncomfortable but the experienced ones know well enough that there is no simple set of instructions that keeps the dignity of both partners intact. It is the generality of this story that is quite captive, every day it is lived by many all over the world, men as well as women. And those who do not are yet to live it, too. Nowadays we spent thrice as much time within a marriage as our ancestors. You just cannot ride this out without a sense of freedom.
2. Three Brothers / Tri bratri / Dir.: Jan Sverak / 2014 / 90’ 9th Mar 2018 | 6.00 pm

3. Empties / Vratne lahve / Dir.: Jan Sverak / 2007 / 100’ 9th Mar 2018 | 7.30 pm

Venue : Tagore Film Centre, Govt. Music College Campus, Adyar
Date: 8th & 9th Mar 2018